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Join Our Team


We're always interested in hosting smart, ambitious, hard-working post-doctoral fellows, grad students and undergraduates. If you’re interested, see where you fit below and get in touch.



Postdoctoral Fellows 


Prospective postdocs should send Ray an email with ‘Monnat Lab post-doc application’ in the subject line, together with a copy of their cv and a brief description of past research accomplishments and research goals.



Graduate Students


We accept graduate students through the Genome Sciences, M3D (Molecular Medicine & Molecular Basis of Disease) and Molecular & Cellular Biology Ph.D. Programs, and students entering the UW M.D.-Ph.D. Program. All admissions are through the UW Graduate School and the respective programs – we cannot admit students directly to the lab. So search first for information on the specific programs above and the admissions requirements and timeline.


Students interested in rotating once accepted to a UW graduate program should contact Ray to discuss potential rotation projects and rotation timing.





We've hosted UW undergrads and Summer students from a wide range of programs and institutions who are highly motivated and have a genuine interest in our lab and research topics. If you think you're a good fit, e-mail Ray your CV and academic accomplishments, your plans, and a short description of your specific interest in our lab and research. Given current restrictions for on-site work, apply well in advance of your starting quarter of interest so we can identify projects and work out logistics, as most will not allow on-site, in-lab work.


© 2020 Monnat Lab University of Washington. Last Update: 02 March 2020. Contact Ray Monnat for website questions & comments.

Disclaimer: Information is provided here as a courtesy, and for educational purposes only. The information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge. End users assume full responsibility for use, and will not hold the Monnat Lab or the UW Departments of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology and Genome Sciences responsible or liable for claims, loss or damage arising from use of the information presented here.

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